You may have noticed utility vehicles in your neighborhood and workers in the public right of way/easement in front of your yard (12 1/2 feet, on average, from the back of the curb toward your home).  Just a reminder:  “The Boone County Fiscal Court approved a partnership with Cincinnati Bell Inc. on March 23, 2021, that will result in the development of a one gigabit high-speed broadband fiber network available to every address in the county. This robust fiber network will be deployed within an accelerated 24-36 month time frame.”

Currently, this fiber infrastructure is being installed in Union.  This partnership will offer all Union residents a new competitive option for high speed internet service.  Cincinnati Bell is responsible for restorative work to all disturbed areas within the public easement.  Restorative work refers to grass seeding and strawing and/or sidewalk repairs, but does not include requests for sod and specific types of grass seed.

For more information about this partnership, please visit the Boone County website.

For questions or concerns, please contact the City of Union.


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