2021 City of Union Easter Events

Drive Thru Egg Event and Coloring Contest
Sponsored by StoryPoint Senior Living of Union



The City of Union and StoryPoint Senior Living of Union will be hosting a Drive Through Easter Egg Distribution Event on Friday, April 2.

The event will be held at StoryPoint Senior Living, 9255 US Highway 42, located next to the Union Kroger Marketplace.

The event will feature photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny (socially-distanced); fun giveaways and more.  Union Fire will be attending with a truck for kids to view, and Kona Ice will have snacks available for purchase.

Each child will receive one bag of 18 pre-filled eggs, which they can use for entertainment and hunting at home.

COVID-19 protocols will be followed and masks are required to participate.  Eggs are provided until supplies run out.  You can reserve a bag of eggs (one per child) by completing the form below.

Register now for your Easter Eggs.  Each child is eligible for one (1) bag of 18 toy and candy filled eggs at the distribution.

Eggs may be picked up between 3-6 p.m. at StoryPoint Senior Living located at 9255 US42, Union, KY between the hours of 3-6 p.m. on Friday, April 2, 2021.  Delivery is not available.

Eggs are available only until supplies run out. 


The City of Union is also hosting an Easter Coloring Contest.


Children can compete in three age categories:

  • Ages 1-4
  • Ages 5-7
  • Ages 8-10

One Grand Prize winner will also be awarded.  The contest is free.  Entrants can download and color the sheet linked below.

Easter Coloring Sheet and Entry Form

Entries can be dropped off at the Union City Building located at 1843 Bristow Drive (formerly Mt. Zion Road) between 10 a.m and 4 p.m., Monday-Friday.  Entries can also be mailed to:

City of Union; Attention: Coloring Contest

1843 Bristow Drive

Union KY 41091


  1. One entry per child allowed.  Emailed entries are not accepted.
  2. Entries are due by end of the business day on Friday, April 9, 2021.
  3. Coloring sheet entries must be submitted to the City of Union, 1843 Bristow Drive, Union, KY.  Only residents of the City of Union are eligible to win prizes.
  4. Include the child’s name and age, a parent’s name and phone number, email address, and school on the bottom of the coloring sheet before turning it in. Incomplete forms will be ineligible for prize selection.
  5. Coloring sheets will be judged at the end of the contest and winners will be notified by phone or email. There will be two winners in each age group (1st and 2nd) and one Grand Prize Winner. Winners are responsible for picking up prize packages at the City of Union.
  6. Judges’ decisions are final.
  7. The City reserves the right to post any entry and use it for promotional purposes, both in person and on social media. All entries become the property of the City of Union and will not be returned.
  8. Entry forms are available for pickup at the City of Union Building or via download HERE.



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