IMPORTANT UPDATE FROM THE KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION – Boone County Awarded 67.5 Million in Funds to Improve Roads in Northern Kentucky Learn More Here


The City of Union has received the following information from the Construction Manager/Communications Department of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet regarding the road widening and construction project on KY 536/Mt. Zion Road:

As updates are received from KYTC, we will post those updates here.

As of August 7, 2019 – • KY 536 (Mt Zion Road) – Work continues on the KY 536 corridor in Boone County extending from Old Union Road to I-75. On Wednesday, August 7, 2019 between 12 – 5 p.m., traffic between the Harmony roundabout to Gunpowder Road will be shifted onto the new roadway. Once traffic has been transitioned to the new section, work on the northern half of the roadway will begin. Old Union Road remains closed within the construction area. Motorists should watch for flaggers and exercise caution when traveling through the work zone. Motorists should exercise caution when traveling the work zone. Slow traffic and possible delays should be expected. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH.

As of April 1, 2019 – With warmer weather work has resumed in earnest on Mt. Zion Road.  Utility relocation efforts are continuing, as well as the resumption of paving and curb and gutter work.  KYTC District 6 is hopeful to have traffic on portions of the new road by end of summer, with the project set for an early 2020 completion.  Old Union Road remains closed to through traffic, and a detour to Golden Pond Drive is still in place.  Motorists should watch for flaggers and exercise caution when travelling through the work zone.  Motorists should exercise caution when travelling the work zone.  Slow traffic and possible delays should be expected.  The posted speed limit is 35 MPH.

As of October 6, 2018 – Work continues on the KY 536 corridor in Boone County extending from Old Union Road to I-75. Beginning October 8, 2018, Old Union Road will be closed to through traffic from Hathaway Road to US 42 so roundabout construction can occur. Through vehicles wishing to access US 42 shall access US 42 from Hathaway Road. Also, beginning on October 8, 2018, the existing entrance to Golden Pond will close. Vehicles wishing to access Golden Pond Drive shall enter via Indian Hill Drive, then proceed down the new pavement to Golden Pond Drive. Motorists should watch for flaggers and exercise caution when travelling through the work zone.  Motorists should exercise caution when travelling the work zone.  Slow traffic and possible delays should be expected.  The posted speed limit is 35 MPH.

As of August, 2018 –  Work continues on the KY 536 corridor (Mt. Zion Road).  Current completion is estimated for late summer of 2019.  KYTC officials anticipate redirecting traffic to new portions of the road in fall of 2018.  Work continues on new entrances and driveways to Mt. Zion, along with significant work along Old Union Road.  The posted speed limit remains 35 MPH and officials continue to ask for caution while traveling in the work zones.  

As of June 8, 2018 – Work continues on the KY 536 corridor (Mt. Zion Road) in Boone County extending from Old Union Road to I-75. Lane closures on US 42 will continue intermittently during non-peak hours between Mt. Zion Road and Frogtown Road. The entrance to Highland Drive from Mt. Zion Road is closed. Follow signed detour on Tiburon Drive. Beginning Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 6:a.m., daily lane closures will occur on Mt. Zion Road between Gunpowder Road and Haven Hill for storm sewer installation along the north side of the road. Mt. Zion Road will fully reopen by 3:30 p.m. each day. These daily closures will remain in place until storm work is complete. Motorists should watch for flaggers and exercise caution when travelling through the work zone. Motorists should exercise caution when travelling the work zone. Slow traffic and possible delays should be expected. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH.  

As of May 14, 2018
KY 536 (Mt Zion Road) – Work continues on the KY 536 corridor in Boone County extending from Old Union Road to I-75. Lane closures on US 42 will continue intermittently during non-peak hours between Mt. Zion Road and Frogtown Road. The entrance to Highland Drive from Mt. Zion Road is closed. Follow signed detour on Tiburon Drive. Beginning Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 6:00 am, daily lane closures will occur on Mt. Zion Road between Gunpowder Road and Haven Hill for storm sewer installation along the north side of the road. Mt. Zion Road will fully reopen by 3:30 pm each day. These daily closures will remain in place until storm work is complete. Motorists should watch for Flaggers and exercise caution when travelling through the work zone. Slow traffic and possible delays should be expected. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH.

As of February 5, 2018

Weather permitting, construction pick up significantly in the coming weeks.
Unless something unforseen is located; the utility relocations are complete.  The contractor is currently completing a retaining wall near the lakes at Hempstead.  Earthwork near Old Union Rd. will begin as weather permits.  Material from that earthwork will be exported for roadway fills at the project on US 42 @ Rice / Hicks Pike.  Storm sewer and waterline construction is expected to begin at the interstate end of the project, and at the 42 end of the project. Some minor traffic adjustments can be expected in early spring once weather is sufficient to allow paving.
Overall, the pace of the project should be much faster moving forward without so many utility obstructions.  As a reminder, everyone should  be patient and watch for work crews and construction traffic in the work zone.

As of January 3, 2018

With winter weather, construction has slowed down.  Lane closures on US 42 will continue intermittently during non-peak hours between Mt. Zion Road and Frogtown Road. The entrance to Highland Drive from Mt. Zion Road is closed. Follow signed detour on Tiburon Drive. Motorists should exercise caution when travelling the work zone.  Slow traffic and possible delays should be expected.  The posted speed limit is 35 MPH.  Some asphalt base and curb and gutter has been installed, with other portions of the road bed in the stabilization phases.  Work will continue as weather permits.

As of November 11, 2017

Overhead utility relocation is nearly complete.  Cincinnati Bell is still performing some wire splices at Old Union road and a couple other spots; but, much of their wiring and pole infrastructure has started to come down.  This work should be completed by mid-December.

Drainage boxes are being installed between Hempstead and Pembroke.  Upon completion of these boxes, the contractor intends to pave at least 1 if not 2 subsequent courses of asphalt base, weather permitting.  Asphalt paving is underway between US 42 and Old Union road.  Upon completion of the first 2 courses, the contractor will install the drainage structures and follow with the next 2 courses of asphalt base, again weather permitting.

If drier conditions persist through the winter, it is likely that excavation will continue in the cut area between Golden Pond and the proposed Harmony round about.  With favorable weather, is likely that that storm sewer and waterline work will begin at the “interstate end” of the project as well near US 42.  Ideally, large portions of the embankments will be ready for lime stabilization at the outset of spring provided the conditions allow for construction to continue through out most of the winter months.

A drone video, courtesy of Mr. Stuart Ferguson, is available to view the progress of Mt. Zion Construction as of mid-November.

536 road construction, with DJI Mavic Pro

Posted by Stuart Ferguson on Thursday, November 16, 2017

As of October 4, 2017

Duke Energy’s contractor (NG Gilbert) is nearly complete with the electric relocations.  Cincinnati Bell and Spectrum are in the late stages of their relocation.  We expect existing utility infrastructure to start being dismantled on the week of 10/23/17. Temporary pavement has been placed for multiple diversions and frontage roads.  Permanent pavement has been placed on Highland Drive. Earthwork has been progressing well.  Dudley Construction has been able to move a considerable amount of earth despite less than ideal summer weather.  The large fill area is at sub-grade level. Barrier wall has been placed on US 42 in both directions to allow the new alignment to tie directly into US 42.  We anticipate the barrier wall on the NB direction will likely be in place through the winter; but hope to remove the SB wall prior to snow and ice season. Lime Stabilization is taking place between US 42 and Old Union Rd as well as in the large fill area.  It is hoped that in the next couple weeks some of the mainline pavement structure will begin to be placed.

As of September 25, 2017

Work continues on the KY 536 corridor in Boone County extending from Old Union Road to I-75. Starting Wednesday, September 27 the entrance to Pembroke Dive from Mt. Zion Road will be closed to traffic. Motorists should follow signed detour to Hempsteade Drive for access to Pembroke Drive. The entrance is scheduled to reopen on October 6th. Lane closures on US 42 will continue intermittently during non-peak hours between Mt. Zion Road and Frogtown Road. Motorists should exercise caution when travelling the work zone; the posted speed limit is 35 MPH. Slow traffic and possible delays should be expected.

As of August 7, 2017

Overhead utility relocation’s are beginning to make significant progress. Enough of the relocations have been completed that the contractor now has room to begin some of the major earthwork. The contractor also continues to move forward with waterline and storm sewer construction. If the weather holds out, KYTC is hopeful that traffic can be moved onto some of the diversions this year. In addition, we are hopeful that lime stabilization and paving can take place on a fairly large portion of the new mainline 536 before winter.

As of June 5, 2017

Utility relocation is underway.  It is hoped to have Duke Energy start relocations between US42 and Gunpowder Road in the next month.  The work is dependent on these relocations.  Harper Construction continues to make progress on waterline relocations and earth work will be progressing between Pembroke and US 42.  However, soil compaction is always weather dependent and this progress could be slowed or delayed by rain and weather.  A full staff is assigned to the project, monitoring erosion control, utility work and earth work.  Good progress has been made, despite unusually large amounts of rain over the last month.  A separate project, to resurface the area between Gunpowder Road and US25 has begun and should be completed by July 1, weather permitting.  This project has been planned since 2016, and is separate from the Mt. Zion project.

As of May 6, 2017

Construction continues, with significant drainage work continuing the length of the project.

Safety continues to be a concern, with continued problems with speeding or inattentive drivers along the construction zones.  Residents are advised that they should exercise due caution and obey all signage throughout the construction area.

As of April 5, 2017

• KY 536 – Mt Zion Road is in full progress.

• There are 16 – 35 MPH signs posted along the 3 mile project work zone as well as 2 Dynamic Message Signs on each end of the project (one on the US 42 end in Union and one near the I-75 interchange).

• The inspector on the job is very concerned for the crews’ safety. He has seen people driving well above the speed limit and some folks who have ignored the flaggers on the job. One flagger was nearly hit by a car. KYTC is asking everyone for their help and cooperation in making the work zones safe!

As of March 2, 2017

• Work is progressing well on the KY 536 Grade and Drain Project. That being said – the unseasonable rain over the past few weeks has slowed us down from time to time.

• The Contractor continues to work primarily on utility relocations – particularly sewer and waterline relocations. We are also continuing work on the culvert at Old Union Road and hope to have that work wrapped up within a few weeks. The culvert work has been heavily impacted by the rains making work difficult.

• We are continuing to monitor erosion control and will do so throughout the entire project.

As of February 8, 2017

• Clearing and grubbing activities have been completed and contractor is removing piles of mulch and logs left from clearing operations

•Work on installing sanitary sewer pipe has begun and will continue as weather permits

•Work on a new box culvert at the intersection of Old Union Road and Hathaway Road is in progress and should be complete in a couple of weeks, weather permitting

As of January 3, 2017:

• Clearing and grubbing activities will continue for approximately another 4 weeks.

• Grading on new alignment in the Union town area adjacent to 42 to follow.

• Duke Energy is splitting their work into two sections. The area from Gunpowder Road to I-75 will be their priority section with the remainder of the project to immediately follow. Utility re-locations by the various utility companies is to be complete by Aug. 1, 2017. Cincinnati Bell and cable television installations will follow on the new Duke Energy poles.

• Harper Construction is having bi-weekly meetings with the utility companies until the companies have completed their work.

• Once utilities are clear, with the east end being first, then the contractor will start the part-width construction. Grading work will start along the north side of KY 536.


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