
For several months now, the City of Union has been working to create the budget for the next Fiscal Year.  This budget reflects the goals of the City Commission by investing in key projects and personnel.  These goals are designed to help keep pace with the significant increase in population our community is experiencing.  For instance, the 2020 census shows Union growing 39% over the past ten years to 7,419.  This is the largest increase in population when compared to other Boone County entities (approximately 15%).  In the next decade, our population could easily top 10,000. 


It is with these thoughts in mind, that we have opted to invest our resources heavily into economic development and community infrastructure projects.  Projects include propelling the Union Promenade to completion in a 5-year timeline, the construction of the remaining portion of Brilliance Avenue, a commitment to keep our roadways the best in Northern Kentucky, and the addition of a public works supervisor to help meet the demands of a growing community.


Not only does our thriving population require additional services from these developments, they also need new recreation opportunities and gathering spaces.  In the upcoming budget cycle, the city is striving to refresh the Town Center concept with these aims in mind.  It is an exciting time to live in Union.  In fact, we have been ranked as the 8th best city to raise a family in the south.  We look forward to the tremendous progress this next year will bring.   

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