Boone County Planning Commission
The Boone County Planning Commission is a 15-member board that oversees planning and zoning issues in Boone County. The membership of the board is made up by 6 appointees from both the county at large and Florence, 2 appointees from Walton, and 1 appointee, Steve Harper, from the City of Union.
Board of Adjustment
The Union Board of Adjustment is made up of 3 appointees: Terry Kidwell, Karen O’Sullivan, and George Eldridge. The board meets periodically to make decisions on zoning variances and to issue conditional-use permits. Meetings are open to the public and publicized in the local online news. For more information about the Board of Adjustment, please click HERE.
Joint Code Enforcement Board
The Union/Walton Joint Code Enforcement Board is made up of 3 appointees and 2 alternate members, with Union represented by: Ben Detraz and James Liles. The board meets as needed to address and mediate citizen complaints in relation to the City Nuisance Code. Meetings are open to the public and publicized on the City Website and City Social Media Accounts.
Economic Development Committee
The Economic Development Committee (EDC) advises the Union City Commission on economic development issues. This committee meets as needed/requested.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee was formed to assist the city in effectively communicating with residents and planning events. This committee meets as needed.
Public Works Committee
The Public Works Committee oversees the maintenance and improvement of city infrastructure and meets on a monthly basis. Meetings take place the last Tuesday of each month at 1:30PM located at the City Building (1843 Bristow Dr.).
Park Advisory Committee
The purpose of the City of Union Park Advisory Committee is to provide input and direction to the Commission specific to the design and development of the new Union Town Center. The committee participates in meetings, workshops, and community outreach in partnership with City Staff, the lead Commissioner, and design engineers. The Park Advisory Committee consists of 8 (eight) City of Union residents, each representing a different section/neighborhood within the city limits. (November 2023)