City of Union is looking for a committee of interested residents to help

Deadline November 10, 2023. City of Union is looking for a committee of interested residents who want to develop the new town center. The purpose of the City of Union Park Advisory Committee is to provide input and direction to
the Commission specific to the design and development of the new Union Town Center. The
committee will participate in meetings, workshops, and community outreach in partnership
with City Staff, lead Commissioner and design engineers. Meeting schedule is to be determined.
The Park Advisory Committee will consist of 4 -8 (four to eight) City of Union residents, each
representing a different section/neighborhood within the city limits. The committee will be
chaired by Commissioner Jeremy Ramage and joined by staff members, Amy Safran, CAO, and
Paul Kremer, Director of Public Works.

Click here and submit form to [email protected]

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