Union is a home rule city organized under the Commission form of city government.

The commission plan has a mayor and four (4) elected city commissioners who together comprise the city commission, and all share legislative, executive, and administrative authority. Thus, the commission plan does not have the strict separation of powers of the mayor-council plan.

The mayor acts as a voting member of the commission with only limited responsibilities and authorities as mayor, such as presiding at commission meetings and executing contracts.

Although the ultimate authority is vested in the city commission as a body, KRS 83A.140(6) requires that administrative functions of the city be separated into departments by ordinance. Each of these departments is placed under the supervision of one (1) of the city commissioners, unless the commission has created the office of city administrative officer. If there is a city administrative officer, that person may be delegated the supervisory authority over the departments.


Position: Mayor
Elected: 2014, 2018, 2022
Email: [email protected]

Welcome to the City of Union Website.

The current city administration has been in office since January 1, 2015. Since that time we have accomplished a lot and have not been afraid to challenge the status quo to make Union great!

Today, Union population is now over 6,000 residents…well on its way to 8,000 to 10,000 residents. Our vision for the City of Union is to be unique from surrounding cities and responsibly plan growth to maintain that uniqueness. Over the next four years, our role will be to prepare the city for business and residential growth in a planned systematic fashion, then effectively communicate that growth status to all Union residents.

If you are new to Union or thinking about moving here to live or open a business, you will soon learn what those who have lived here many years already know…Union is the best place to live and work in all of Northern Kentucky. We have the smartest and the best people living here; and, you will not want to live and/or operate a business anywhere else!

Mayor Larry Solomon

Learn More About Larry Solomon


Updates from Mayor Larry Solomon:

State of the Union Update, October 2022
State of the Union… Union, KY that is; June 2022
State of the Union…Union, KY that is; May 2018
State of the Union…Union, KY that is; September 2016
State of the Union…Union, KY that is; January 2016


The City of Union is an incorporated fourth class city in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Its governmental body is of the Mayor/Commission form, consisting of an elected mayor, and four elected commissioners. The commission is elected by the citizens during the General Election in November and terms begin in January.  The Mayor serves a term of four years, and Commissioners terms of two years.

John Mefford

Position: Commissioner

Term Start: 2025, 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010

Email: [email protected]

Mefford Biography

Douglas Bine

Position: Commissioner

Term Start: 2022, 2025

Email: [email protected]

Bine Biography

George Eldridge

Kimberly Tuyn

e Biography

George Eldridge

Position: Commissioner

Term Start: 2025

Email: [email protected]

Eldridge Biography

Kimberly Tuyn

Position: Commissioner

Term Start: 2025

Email: [email protected]

Tuyn Biography

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