Golf Carts


The City of Union Commission has enacted an ordinance to allow citizens to request the approval for the operation of golf carts on certain city roads as permitted by state statute (KRS 189.286). In order to allow operation of Golf Carts on City Roadways, the City must adhere to the restrictions and provisions articulated by state law. These requirements can be found in the state statute and the City Ordinance. In order to be approved for the operation of golf carts, citizens must apply for the designation allowing for golf carts. Only after adopted by the City of Union Commission may the operation of golf carts be permitted.



Step 1: Complete a Designation of City Roadway for Golf Cart Operation Application.

Step 2: Obtain the required number of signatures.

Step 3: Submit completed application to the City of Union.

Step 4: City staff will review and make a recommendation.

Step 5: Consideration and decision will be made by the City of Union Commission.

Designated Roadways for Golf Cart Operations - Coming Soon!

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