Code of Ordinances

The City is a subscriber to American Legal Publishing, a provider for the storage and online display of legal documents of public record.

All City of Union Ordinances are available electronically by clicking the link below. This service is provided to offer more convenient access to our City Ordinances, in lieu of having to visit the City Building or Boone County Courthouse to review the hardcopy documents.  This database is updated, codified, and indexed every two years.

To view the City’s Ordinances, click the link below for the Table of Contents to begin your inquiry. The ALP site also provides a ‘keyword’ search box at the top of the left sidebar.

City of Union, Kentucky Code of Ordinances

Ordinances adopted in the last year are also listed below.  This is in compliance with new legislation passed in 2018.

HB 487 Section 143. Publishing Requirements: Notwithstanding KRS 83A.060, 91A.040, and Chapter 424, a county containing a population of more than 90,000 or any city within a county containing a population of more than 90,000, as determined by the 2010 United States Census, may publish enacted ordinances, audits, and bid solicitations by posting the full ordinances, the full audit report including the auditor’s opinion letter, or the bid solicitations on an Internet Web site maintained by the county or city government for a period of at least one year. If a county or city publishes ordinances, audits, or bid solicitations on an Internet Web site, the county or city shall also publish an advertisement, in a newspaper qualified in accordance with KRS 424.120, with a description of the ordinances, audits, or bid solicitations published on the Internet Web site, including the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) where the documents can be viewed.

2019 Published Ordinances
Please note, Numbers 03-09 were not used in 2019.

Ordinance 2019-01
Ordinance 2019-02
Ordinance 2019-10

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