Union, as an incorporated city, holds business meetings on a regular basis as required by law.

Our regular Commission meetings are held on the 1st Monday of every month and Caucus meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Union City Building, 1843 Bristow Drive, Union, KY, unless otherwise posted.

In the event that such calendar dates conflict with Federal Holidays, the meeting will be rescheduled.  Meeting notices are provided through the city social media sites and through notices on the city building door.  Regular and Special meeting notices are not published in the newspaper, as that is no longer required by KRS.


During the course of the year, there are also public hearings scheduled as needed.  Notice of such hearings is published, by law, in the city’s newspaper of record: LINK NKY

Below are links to copies of the minutes for past regular and special business meetings held by the city. Minutes are published after approval following the next month’s city meeting.

(Note:All minutes displayed on this page are in PDF format. As required by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Open Records & Meeting Act (pdf format), official copies may be viewed, or copies made, at the City Building)



Agendas are posted as they are available.



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